Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm not weighing myself this week.

It wouldn't be fair. My dance teacher cancelled all of our dance classes this week. I think someone died or is very ill. I don't know though. So... I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess some pilates or something. I did brush off the DVD this past weekend. I feel so lost without my dancing, though!

Um... I'm going to a "concert" this Friday. My friend's band is playing and I'm hoping it'll be mucho mucho fun. Cause I need some fun this week.

I feel like SlimFasting myself into oblivion.


Chelsea Strong said...

Goodmorning darling. Pretty sure it says on the can "Do not use as a sole source of nutrition." (I know it verbatim since I'm having my breakfast right now. Optima, French Vanilla)

I've had two in one breakfast and lunch (with nothing else, despite their reccommendations) and I felt like the first cow I saw, I would shoot and grill right there on my car's engine.

Luckily, in urban south florida, there aren't all that many cows.

Chelsea Strong said...

come baaaaaack...